Single-file Components


Components are typically built with a .cfc file and a .cfm file. You can combine these into a single .cfm file, similar to how components in Vue.js are built.

Let's look at the example from the introduction that uses two separate files.

// ./wires/Counter.cfc
component extends="cbwire.models.Component" {   
    data = {
        "counter": 0
    function onMount() {
        // Load the counter from the session
        data.counter = session.counter ?: 0;
    function save( counter ) {
        // Save the counter to the session
        session.counter = arguments.counter;
<!--- ./wires/counter.cfm --->
            counter: $wire.counter,
            increment() {
            async save() {
                // Call the save method on our component
                await $ this.counter );
        <div>Count: <span x-text="counter"></span></div>
        <button @click="increment">+</button>
        <button @click="save">Save</button>

Single File Format

Let's combine these into a single file.

<!--- ./wires/counter.cfm --->
            counter: $wire.counter,
            increment() {
            async save() {
                // Call the save method on our component
                await $ this.counter );
        <div>Count: <span x-text="counter"></span></div>
        <button @click="increment">+</button>
        <button @click="save">Save</button>

    // @startWire
    data = {
        "counter": 0
    function onMount() {
        // Load the counter from the session
        data.counter = session.counter ?: 0;
    function save( counter ) {
        // Save the counter to the session
        session.counter = arguments.counter;
    // @endWire

There are only a few differences with the single-file format.

  • The contents of your .cfc file are instead placed inside a <cfscript> block

  • The // @startWire and // @endWire comment markers have been added so that CBWIRE can parse the file.

You must add the //@startWire and //@endWire markers when using single-file format.

You can place your <cfscript> block above or below your template. CBWIRE parses this out before processing.


There is a slight performance hit when using the single file format because CBWIRE has to parse out the sections of your file. However, this hit is minimal because of the internal caching CBWIRE uses.

Cached files can be found under ./modules/cbwire/models/tmp. This directory gets cleared anytime you reinit your application using ColdBox's fwreinit.


Last updated