What's New With 2.2


New Features

  • Implement lifecycle hook onHydrate().

  • Implement lifecycle hook onHydrate[Property]().

  • Implement an automatic trim() for all data properties.

  • Implement the ability to interact with CBWIRE component from JavaScript using cbwire.find( '#args._id#' ).

  • Add configuration setting 'enableTurbo' to automatically include everything needed to work with Turbo for single-page applications.

  • Add the ability to call reset() without passing a key to reset all data properties to their original values.


  • Implement onMount() method instead of mount().


  • DocBox-generated docs are failing because of file structure.

  • Listeners are fired immediately when calling emit() when the listener is defined on the same component, which they shouldn't.

  • onHydrate() is firing after actions are performed.

  • Computed properties are not being rendered before actions are called.

Last updated

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