Templates are the HTML section of your Components and consist of any valid HTML/CFML tags. This includes <cfif>, <cfloop>, etc.
Implicit Rendering
By default, CBWIRE will look in the ./wires folder for a .cfm file with the same name as your component.
You can change this default location in the configuration settings.
Explicit Rendering
To override default implicit rendering, we can tell CBWIRE where our component template is by defining a renderIt() method on our component and using the template() method.
We can also pass parameters when calling template().
In this case, someVar becomes available to our template.
Outer Element
Your templates must have a single outer element for CBWIRE to bind to your component and update the DOM properly. This can be any valid HTML element. Below, we are using a div element.
Data Properties
You can access your Data Properties from your component by calling the property name.
Computed Properties
You can access your Computed Properties from your component by calling the property name as a method.
Helper Methods
You can access any global helper methods defined in your ColdBox application and any modules you have installed.
For example, suppose you've installed the cbi8n module ( an internalization module for ColdBox ). You can access its global helper methods in your template, such as the $r() method for displaying text in various languages.
Last updated