
The HTML that makes up your components.

Templates are the HTML section of your Components and consist of any valid CFML tags. This includes <cfif>, <cfloop>, etc.

    <!-- HTML template goes here -->
        <button wire:click="doSomething">Click here</button>
        <!-- Any valid CFML here -->
        <cfif datePart( 'h', now() ) lt 12>
            <p>Good morning!</p>
            <p>Good afternoon!</p>

Rendering Templates

We tell CBWIRE where our component template is by defining a renderIt() method and using template().

component extends="cbwire.models.Component" {

    data = {};

    function renderIt() {
        return template( "wires.mytemplate" ); // renders wires/mytemplate.cfm    


You also can render HTML without calling view().

component extends="cbwire.models.Component" {

    data = {};

    function renderIt() {
        return "<div>My HTML here</div>";


Outer Element

Your templates must have a single outer element for CBWIRE to properly bind to your component and update the DOM. This can be any valid HTML element. Below, we are using a div element.

    <!-- GOOD: single outer element -->
        <p>My awesome component</p>

    <!-- BAD: 2 outer elements -->
        My awesome component    
        <p>This won't work.</p>

Accessing Data Properties

You can access your Data Properties from your template by calling the property name.

// wires/Greeter.cfc
component extends="cbwire.models.Component" {
    data = {
        "greeting": "Hello from CBWIRE"
    function renderIt() {
        return template( "wires.greeter" );
<!--- wires/greeter.cfm --->
        Greeting: #greeting#

Accessing Computed Properties

You can access your Computed Properties from your template by calling the property name as a method.

// wires/Greeter.cfc
component extends="cbwire.models.Component" {

    function greeting() computed {
        return "Hello from CBWIRE";
    function renderIt() {
        return template( "wires.greeter" );
<!--- wires/greeter.cfm --->
        Greeting: #greeting()#

Helper Methods

You can access any global helper methods defined in your ColdBox application and any modules you have installed.

For example, if you've installed the cbi8n module ( an internalization module for ColdBox ), you can access its global helper methods in your template, such as the $r() method for displaying text in various languages.

        #$r( "greeting" )#

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