Form Validation


You can use ColdBox's validation engine cbValidation and wire:model to validate your forms.


To install cbValidation, run the following command in CommandBox:

box install cbvalidation

Previous versions of CBWIRE included cbValidation automatically. However, this introduced issues if you wanted to use a version different from CBWIRE's.

Defining Constraints

You can define constraints within your components by populating a constraints struct. Once constraints are defined, CBWIRE will automatically validate your component on each request.

// ./wires/Form.cfc
component extends="cbwire.models.Component" {
    // Data properties
    data = {
        "task": ""
    // Validation constraints
    constraints = {
        "task": {
            "required": true,
            "requiredMessage": "Task is required"

Available Constraints

Below are the currently available constraints.

Review the cbValidation documentation for additional information.

propertyName = {
        // The field under validation must be yes, on, 1, or true. This is useful for validating "Terms of Service" acceptance.
        accepted : any value
        // The field under validation must be a date after the set targetDate
        after : targetDate
        // The field under validation must be a date after or equal the set targetDate
        afterOrEqual : targetDate

        // The field must be alpha ONLY
        alpha : any value
        // The field under validation is an array and all items must pass this validation as well
        arrayItem : {
            // All the constraints to validate the items with
        // The field under validation must be a date before the set targetDate
        before : targetDate
        // The field under validation must be a date before or equal the set targetDate
        beforeOrEqual : targetDate
        // The field under validation is a struct and all nested validation rules must pass
        constraints: {
           // All the constraints for the nested struct
        // The field under validation must be a date that is equal the set targetDate
        dateEquals : targetDate
        // discrete math modifiers
        discrete : (gt,gte,lt,lte,eq,neq):value
        // the field must or must not be an empty value
        // needed because `required` counts empty strings as valid
        // and `type` ignores empty strings as "not required"
        empty : boolean [false]

        // value in list
        inList : list
        // Verify the instance of the target
        InstanceOf : "instance.path"
        // An alias for arrayItem
        items : {
            // All the constraints to validate the items with

        // max value
        max : value

        // Validation method to use in the target object must return boolean accept the incoming value and target object 
        method : methodName

        // min value
        min : value
        // An alias for constraints
        nestedConstraints: {
           // All the constraints for the nested struct
        // not same as but with no case
        notSameAsNoCase : propertyName

        // not same as another property
        notSameAs : propertyName

        // range is a range of values the property value should exist in
        range : eg: 1..10 or 5..-5

        // regex validation
        regex : valid no case regex

        // required field or not, includes null values
        required : boolean [false]

        // The field under validation must be present and not empty if the `anotherfield` field is equal to the passed `value`.
        requiredIf : {
            anotherfield:value, anotherfield:value

        // The field under validation must be present and not empty unless the `anotherfield` field is equal to the passed 
        requiredUnless : {
            anotherfield:value, anotherfield:value

        // same as but with no case
        sameAsNoCase : propertyName

        // same as another property
        sameAs : propertyName

        // size or length of the value which can be a (struct,string,array,query)
        size  : numeric or range, eg: 10 or 6..8

        // specific type constraint, one in the list.
        type  : (alpha,array,binary,boolean,component,creditcard,date,email,eurodate,float,GUID,integer,ipaddress,json,numeric,query,ssn,string,struct,telephone,url,usdate,UUID,xml,zipcode),

        // UDF to use for validation, must return boolean accept the incoming value and target object, validate(value,target,metadata):boolean
        udf = variables.UDF or this.UDF or a closure.

        // Check if a column is unique in the database
        unique = {
            table : The table name,
            column : The column to check, defaults to the property field in check

        // Custom validator, must implement coldbox.system.validation.validators.IValidator
        validator : path or wirebox id, example: 'mypath.MyValidator' or 'id:MyValidator'

Manual Validation

You can manually validate your component using the validate() or validateOrFail() methods.


validate() returns a ValidateResult object

component extends="cbwire.models.Component" {
    // Data properties
    data = {
        "task": ""
    // Validation constraints
    constraints = {
        "task": { "required": true, "requiredMessage": "Task is required" }
    // Action
    function addTask() {
        var result = validate(); // ValidateResult object
        if ( !result.hasErrors() ) {
            // Do something


Silently fails and prevents further processing of the current action.

component extends="cbwire.models.Component" {
    // Data properties
    data = {
        "task": ""
    // Validation constraints
    constraints = {
        "task": { "required": true, "requiredMessage": "Task is required" }
    // Action
    function addTask() {
        validateOrFail(); // fail silently if validation doesn't pass.
        // Otherwise, continue

With validateOrFail(), the error is gracefully caught and further processing of the action is prevented.

If you need more granular control over the response, use validate() instead.

Explicit Constraints

You can also run validations against any constraints you provide by passing them to the validate() method, which returns a ValidateResult object.

    // Action
    function addTask() {
        var result = validate(
                "task": { required: true }
        if ( !result.hasErrors() ) {
            // Do something

        <!--- HTML goes here --->

Displaying Errors

In your templates, you have several helper methods for displaying errors.

You can use hasErrors() and getErrors() to check for validation errors that have occurred and to display all errors.

    Add Task
    <cfif hasErrors()>
        <div class="alert alert-danger">
                <cfloop array="#getErrors()#" index="error">

To check for errors on a specific data property, you can use hasError( field) and getError( field )

    <input type="text" wire:model.blur="name">
    <cfif hasError( "name" )>
        <span class="text-danger">#getError( "name" )</span>

Last updated