
The magic sauce. Actions allow you to easily listen to page interactions and call a method on your Wires.

Actions provide an effortless way to track page interactions and invoke methods on your Wires, resulting in a re-render of the Wire's Template.

Here is a basic example of how to use it:

component extends="cbwire.model.Component"{
    // Actions
    function addTask(){
      queryExecute( ... );
<!--- Template --->
    <button wire:click="addTask">Add Task</button>

Invoking Actions

You can listen for browser events and invoke actions using a selection of various Directives. The directives follow the format: wire:[browser event]=[action].

Some examples of events you can listen for include:

Here are a few examples of each in HTML:

<a href="" wire:click.prevent="doSomething">Do Something</a>

<button wire:click="doSomething">Do Something</button>

<input wire:keydown.enter="doSomething">

<form wire:submit.prevent="save">

You can listen for any browser events on elements by using the wire:[event] directive, where [event] is the event's name. For example, to listen for a "foo" event on a button element, you would use the following code:

<button wire:foo="someAction">

Passing Parameters

You can pass parameters to your actions, such as here using addTask('Some Task').

<button wire:click="addTask('Some Task')">Add Task</button>

The parameter is then passed through to your Actions via function arguments.

// Action
function addTask( taskName ){


Return Values

Actions shouldn't return any value. Return values are ignored.

Accessing Data Properties

You can access data properties inside your actions directly using data.

    data = {
        "task": ""

    // Actions
    function clearTasks(){
        data.task = "";

Accessing Computed Properties

You can access Computed Properties inside your actions directly using computed.

    // Computed Properties
    computed = {
        "tasks": function() {
            return queryExecute( "
                select *
                from tasks
            " );


    // Actions
    function deleteTasks(){
        if ( computed.tasks.recordCount ) {
            // query to delete the tasks...    

Notice that our Computed Property above is defined as a closure function, but once our deleteTasks() action is called, the computed property has already been rendered.

Magic Actions

In CBWIRE, there are some "magic" actions that are usually prefixed with a "$" symbol:

Consider the example below.

    <button wire:click="setMessageToHello">Say Hi</button>

You can instead call $set and avoid the need to create an Action named setMessageToHello.

    <button wire:click="$set( 'message', 'Hello' )">Say Hi</button>

It can also be used in the backend when listening for an event. For example, if you have one component that emits an event like this:

function someAction() {
    emit( "some-event" );

Then in another component you can use a magic action for example $refresh() instead of having to point the listener to a method:

component {
    listeners = {
        "some-event": "$refresh"

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