
Front-end testing of your UI Wires using a beautiful test API.

You can easily test your Wires by extending cbwire.models.BaseWireTest and using our fluent testing API in your TestBox specs.

Test Example

You can invoke your Wires for testing by using wire().

component extends="cbwire.models.BaseWireTest" {

    function run(){

        describe( "TaskList.cfc", function(){
	    it( "calling 'clearTasks' removes the tasks", function() {
                wire( "TaskList" )
                    // Sets our data properties
                    .data( "tasks", [ "task1" ] )
                    // Verifies output in our template rendering
                    .see( "<li>task 1</li>" )
                    // Runs the 'clearTasks' action
                    .call( "clearTasks" )
                    // Verifies updated template rendering
		    .dontSee( "<li>task 1</li>" );
		} );
	} );

Test Methods


Set a Data Property to the specified value.

wire( "TaskList" )
    .data( "tasks", [ "task1", "task2" ] ) // one property at a time
    .data( { "tasks" : [ "task1", "task2" ] } ); // struct of properties


Set a Computed Property to the specified closure.

wire( "TaskList" )
    .computed( "count", function() { return 3; } ) // one property at a time
    .computed( { "count" : function() { return 3; } } ); // struct of properties


Toggles a Data Property between true and false.

wire( "TaskList" ).toggle( "showModal" );


Calls an Action. Optional array of parameters can be provided.

wire( "TaskList" ).call( "clearTasks" );
wire( "TaskList" ).call( "clearTasks", [ param1, param2 ] );


Emits an Event and fires any Listeners that are defined on the Wire. Optional array of parameters can be provided, which will be passed on to listeners.

wire( "TaskList" ).emit( "addedTask" );
wire( "TaskList" ).emit( "addedTask", [ param1, param2 ] );


Verifies a value can be found in the current Template rendering. Otherwise, test fails.

wire( "TaskList" ).see( "<h1>My Tasks</h1>" );


Verifies a value is not found in the current Template rendering. Otherwise, test fails.

wire( "TaskList" ).dontSee( "<h1>Someone Else's Tasks</h1> ");


Verifies a Data Property matches a specified value. Otherwise, test fails.

wire( "TaskList" ).seeData( "tasksRemoved", true );


Verifies a Data Property does not match a specified value. Otherwise, test fails.

wire( "TaskList" ).dontSeeData( "tasksRemoved", true );

Last updated