Computed Properties

Dynamic, cached, properties that can return any CFML data type.

Computed Properties are dynamic properties and are helpful for deriving values from a database or another persistent store like a cache.

Computed Properties are similar to Data Properties with some key differences:

  • They are declared as inline functions using computed.

  • They can return any CFML data type, not just values that can be parsed by JavaScript like Data Properties.

Defining Properties

You can define Computed Properties on your components using computed.

    computed = {
        "tasks": function() {
            return queryExecute( "
                select *
                from tasks
            " );

Accessing Properties

You can access Computed Properties in your component template using propertyName().

    computed = {
        "currentTime": function() {
            return now();

        Current time: #currentTime()#

You can also access Computed Properties from within your Actions.

    computed = {
        "currentTime" : function() {
            return now();
    function sendEmail() {
        if ( dateDiff( "d", computed.currentTime() ) > 3 ) {


Computed Properties are defined as a CFML closure. That means that to get the result from the function, you must invoke it like so.

myComputedProperty() // good
myComputedProperty // bad


Computed Properties are cached for the lifetime of the request. If you reference your Computed Property three times in your component template or from within a component action, it will only execute once.

    computed = {
        "getUUID": function() {
            return createUUID();

        <p>#getUUID()#</p> <!-- Outputs the same ID because of caching -->

You can prevent caching on a computed property by passing a false argument when invoking it.

<p>#getUUID( false )#</p> <!-- Does not use caching --->

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