Methods that are invoked based on user interactions.
Actions are methods on your component that either change the component's state ( Data Properties ) or perform some action needed ( such as updating your database ).
Here is a basic example of how to use it:
Actions do not need to return any value. Return values are ignored.
Running Actions
CBWIRE listens for browser events and invokes actions using Directives. The directives follow the format: wire:[browser event]=[action].
Some examples of events you can listen for include:
Here are a few examples of each in HTML:
You can listen for any browser events on elements by using the wire:[event] directive, where [event] is the event's name. For example, to listen for a "foo" event on a button element, you would use the following code:
On some elements such as forms or links, you need to add a .prevent modifier to prevent the browser's default behavior. Otherwise, the browser will cause a page reload and you will get unintended results.
Passing Parameters
You can pass parameters to your actions, such as here using actionName( params ).
The parameter is then passed through to your Actions via function arguments.
Magic Actions
There are a few magic actions already available to your components.
Will re-render the component without firing any action
$set( 'dataproperty', value )
Shortcut to update the value of a property
$toggle( 'dataproperty' )
Shortcut to toggle boolean properties off and on
Consider the example below.
Sometimes you may need to force your component to completely refresh in the DOM. This is particularly true when you have nested components.
To force a refresh, simply call refresh() from any action on your component.
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