
Update your components automatically based on a set time interval.

You can add a wire:poll directive to your elements to poll for changes using a set interval. The default interval is set to poll every 2 seconds.

<div wire:poll></div>

You can append a different interval time to your directive as well.

<div wire:poll.5s> <!-- poll every 5 seconds --> </div>

Polling for changes over AJAX can be a reasonable alternative to strategies such as Pusher or WebSockets.

Method Invocation

If you would like to invoke a method during each poll interval, you can do so by specifying a method name.

        <div wire:poll="refreshTasks"></div>

    function refreshTask() {}

Stop Polling

If you want to stop polling, you can no longer render the HTML element by omitting the wire:poll directive.

<cfif shouldPoll>
    <div wire:poll="refreshTasks"></div>
    <div><!-- No more polling --></div>

Last updated