Dirty State

Track changes to Data Properties and display changes in your UI instantly.

There are cases where it may be helpful to provide feedback that content has changed and is not yet in sync with the back-end. For input that uses wire:model, or wire:model.lazy, you can display that a field is 'dirty' until CBWIRE has fully updated.

Toggle Dirty Elements

Adding the .class modifier allows you to add a class to the element when dirty.

    <input wire:dirty.class="border-red-500" wire:model.lazy="foo">

You can perform the inverse and remove classes by adding the .remove modifier.

    <input wire:dirty.class.remove="bg-green-200" class="bg-green-200" wire:model.lazy="foo">

Toggle Elements

The default behavior of the wire:dirty directive without modifiers is that the element is hidden until dirty. This can create a paradox if used on the input itself, but like loading states, the dirty directive can be used to toggle the appearance of other elements using wire:target.

In this example, the span is hidden by default and only visible when the input element is dirty.

    <span wire:dirty wire:target="foo">Updating...</span>
    <input wire:model.lazy="foo">

Toggle Other Elements

Use the class and attribute modifiers in the same way for referenced elements.

    <label wire:dirty.class="text-red-500" wire:target="foo">Full Name</label>
    <input wire:model.lazy="foo">

Last updated