You can scaffold cbwire components quickly using the commandbox-cbwire module.
Installing commandbox-cbwire
To get started open the CommandBox binary or enter the shell by typing box in your terminal or console. Then let's install our scaffolding module.
install commandbox-cbwire
Creating Components
Let's create a Counter cbwire component that we will use to list our favorite movies.
cbwire create Counter
// Created /wires/Counter.cfc
// Created /views/wires/counter.cfm
// Created /tests/specs/integration/wires/CounterTest.cfc
You can provide named arguments as well.
cbwire create name=Counter views=false
// Created /wires/Counter.cfc
// Created /tests/specs/integration/wires/CounterTest.cfc
Below is the entire signature of arguments you can provide to the create command.
* @name Name of the component to create without the .cfc.
* @actions Comma-delimited list of actions to generate.
* @views Generate a view for the cbwire component.
* @viewsDirectory Directory where your views are stored. Only used if views is set to true.
* @integrationTests Generate the integration test component
* @testsDirectory Your integration tests directory. Only used if integrationTests is true
* @directory Base directory to create your handler in and creates the directory if it does not exist. Defaults to 'handlers'.
* @description Component hint description.
* @open Opens the component (and test(s) if applicable) once generated.
function run(
required string name,
string actions = "",
boolean views = true,
string viewsDirectory = "views/wires",
boolean integrationTests = true,
string testsDirectory = "tests/specs/integration/wires",
string directory = "wires",
string description = "I am a new cbwire component.",
boolean open = false